Saturday, March 9, 2013

Failure To Assimilate The Matari: Further Pontifications

N'maro Makari wrote:

Now, the serious point, I would like to point out that the idea of a constituent tribe of the Republic selling another tribe or anyone for that matter into slavery, ventures beyond the wet-dreams of less... realistic slaveholders and into a realm beyond even the wildest socio-politcal theory.

Oh, *really*?

If in fact that is your grasp of slavery's history, then I am not the one living in la-la land and you, sir, need to read a book. Perhaps two. In reality, down through the ages, collaborators have been a primary vector for acquiring slaves among native populations and transporting said to ports where big ships come and pick them up.

So who might collaborate in contemporary Matari society?

Even a cursory examination of available materials quickly reveals an answer:

The Vherokior have been under-represented throughout Matari history. Isardsund Urbrald sought to address this by transferring power to the tribes and away from the central government. He was opposed in that effort by... the Sebiestor.

It is the Sebiestor who have historically dominated Matari society, lording their tinkerer skills over the other tribes. Naturally, the crafty little devils like the idea of a strong central government - one which they have traditionally dominated.

But wait! The Brutor are the rising stars of Republic life, and they see the present age as "their time." Oh, dear. That puts them in direct conflict with... the Sebiestor.

Meanwhile, the Krusual - who share the ingenious traits of the Sebiestor but have instead been demonized for them - harbor the least favorable opinion of their tinkering rivals among the lot.

Now, is there a common thread? Oh, look at that! It's that nobody actually likes the Sebiestor.

Add to this the economic difficulties which confront the entire Republic, and denials that some tribes might seriously consider jettisoning the least popular among them have a brassy, hollow ring.

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